Ten years after the events of the original Resident Evil and the biohazard threat has not ended. Just when you thought it was safe, along comes an all new terror that will send shivers down your spine. A deadly biological agent is unleashed in the African Kijuju desert, mutating its people and animals into unnatural and monstrous creatures.
Chris Redfield, the returning Resident Evil hero has followed the path of the evil all around the globe. After joining a new organisation, Chris and his new partner Sheva Alomar head to deepest Africa to investigate the truth behind the latest bio warfare attack and put an end to its notorious and sinister forces. In Resident Evil 5, players learn to fear daylight as much as night in previous Resident Evil games.
New enemies bring fresh challenges; speed and intelligence make adversaries equally dangerous as individuals or groups. Players control an array of weapons to keep the evil at bay, including knives, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles and more. Special game effects include lightning which provides a new level of suspense in both harsh light and deepest shadow.
Utilizing a revolutionary new 2-player co-op mode of game play, players assume control of either Chris or Sheva and experience Resident Evil 5 in new ways. The game comprises online and offline modes, a real-time menu system and zombie jackals.
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